Lindsay Simoncavage

Lindsay Simoncavage

Lindsay discovered yoga back in 2010, fascinated by the deeper awareness and connection she was experiencing. A few years later, she temporarily lost her health. It took a holistic and natural approach to begin healing a complex illness and yoga played a pivotal role in that journey - as did connecting to nature.

She learned the importance of slowing down and stillness, which led her to regain strength in her practice. In 2019, feeling called to teach and dive even deeper into yoga, Lindsay finally embarked on her 200hr vinyasa teacher training journey with Janine Leagh.

Lindsay fully let go of the limiting belief around needing to be flexible to teach and practice yoga. She feels very strongly about this myth that students limit themselves with or prevents people from even trying yoga. Yoga is not about flexibility and how you look, but rather the journey you take deep within yourself and your experience of that.

Since then, she discovered her passion for sound healing with crystal quartz sound bowls. She is also passionate about the benefits of breathwork and energy healing. Lindsay also completed 100hr Breathwork and Shamanic Meditation facilitator training, Reiki Master certification, and Crystal Healing certification. 

Lindsay’s mission is to help people reconnect to their true nature, realising that they are nature, not separate from it. Her classes typically weave in the elements and chakras, breath, shamanic meditation, and sound.